Child Development Center, Colorado Springs, Occupational, Physical Thereapy
Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Handwriting Skills

Writing is an intricate and complex process that requires many skills and is often a measure of success at school.  If your child has problems with holding a pencil, remembering how to write letters, letter reversals, legibility, speed of writing, fatigue, pain, or getting good ideas down on paper, we can help.  The handwriting program at the Child Development Center is designed with your child’s specific needs in mind whether they are an “A” student, have a learning disability, an attentional issue or a significant diagnosis.  Let’s work together for your child’s success and accomplishment.


Child Development Center: 3090 N. Academy Blvd. | Colorado Springs, CO 80917
Phone: (719) 574-8300 | Fax: (719) 574-9547 | Email:

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